Icebreakers and Energisers for Effective Training

Over 60 activities that trainers can use for all aspects of a training course to ensure fresh, engaging and truly effective training.

In association with

Imprint: CIPD - Kogan Page
EAN: 9781843982142
Edition: 1
Format: 310x267 Loose-leaf
392 pages

About the book

Icebreakers and Energisers for Effective Training contains over 60 highly practical activities for anyone wanting to enlivening their training, engage training delegates and make their training as effective as possible. It is packed full of ideas, hints and tips to ensure that training doesn't become repetitive and stale, and each tool is directly linked to learning.

Activities cover a whole range of topics including ice breakers, motivators and remotivators, reinforcements, introductions, group bonding exercises and testing learning and support each stage of a training course, from opening to testing and reinforcing learning at the end. They can be adapted to any type of training course and are guaranteed to reinvigorate any trainer's repertoire, ensuring that training is always fresh and effective.

About the authors

Suzy Siddons specialised in the psychology of communication. Since founding her own training company in 1987, Suzy worked with a wide range of clients in a wide range of markets.