Employee Engagement

Improve engagement and manage it more effectively in your workplace with this toolkit.

In association with

Imprint: CIPD - Kogan Page
EAN: 9781843982708
Edition: 1
Format: 314x282 Loose-leaf
386 pages

About the book

The Employee Engagement toolkit is aimed at individuals responsible for improving and creating employee engagement strategies within their organisations. Designed for use by line managers, HR professionals and reward or employee engagement consultants, it helps assess and benchmark current levels of engagement, define a roadmap, explain the employment contract and recruit and communicate for engagement.

Employee Engagement identifies new approaches to engagement and helps users learn how to maintain a positive engagement culture and manage engagement effectively. It includes customizable assessment tools, questionnaires and checklists for all stages of the employee engagement process.

About the Series:
The HR Toolkits provide complete sets of customizable, printable resources to facilitate in-house training and development workshops and strategy design. Supplied as both ring binders and electronic files, and consisting of modules which can be used individually or combined for more extended programmes, the toolkits include ready-made practical exercises, handouts, discussion questions and more to upskill employees.

About the authors

Rita McGee works as a consultant, trainer, facilitator and executive coach in the UK and specialises in the strategic development and implementation of human resource practice. She designs and delivers an array of training programmes aimed at building organisational, team and individual capability.

Ann Rennie's background lies in Global HR Management in Senior Line positions, in the International Organisation, Banking and NGO sectors. She has in-depth experience in implementing and advising on Global HR and Change programmes, as well as in Capacity-building and Talent Management in both developed and developing countries.