Valuable Content Marketing

How to Make Quality Content Your Key to Success

Market a business by creating and sharing valuable content which gets the message across in the right way to attract more clients and customers.
EAN: 9780749473273
Edition: 2
Format: 235x165
328 pages

About the book

WINNER: Small Business Book Awards 2016 - Community Choice - Social Media Category
WINNER: Small Business Book Awards 2014 - Community Choice - Marketing Category (1st edition)

Make sense of content marketing in the digital world with this award-winning, practical guide to using content to grow your business and raise your brand.

From websites, white papers and blogs to tweets, newsletters and video, content is king in the digital world, now more than ever before. Get it right and you have a huge opportunity to connect with clients and customers in ways they appreciate and trust - they will be knocking at your door wanting to do business with you.

Valuable Content Marketing shows you how to create and share the type of information that clients, customers and search engines really want - on your website, using social media and through more traditional methods. Including new ideas and examples, step-by-step action lists, quick tips and goal-driven chapter summaries, this fully revised second edition will show you how to get better results from your marketing efforts with valuable content that really works.

Whether you are starting a business or aiming to grow, this book makes understanding the key concepts easier than ever, providing inspiration from small companies like software development from Desynit to household names like HSBC.

About the authors

Sonja Jefferson shows you what to write. A content marketing consultant and trainer with a background in professional sales, she founded Valuable Content, which helps business owners get their message across in the right way. She reaches the heart of the message, producing and sharing the right type of information to help a business grow.

Sharon Tanton shows you how to write. Creative Director at Valuable Content, she is a copywriter with a background in crafting stories. Working in radio, television, magazine features and internal communications, she helps companies convey their message in a way that audiences appreciate.

Valuable Content Marketing goes beyond words and lofty vision. It tells you what to do. In a landscape growing increasingly crowded by noise, this gets you to a higher ground.

Chris Brogan, CEO of Owner Media Group