The Power to Change

How to Harness Change to Make it Work for You

Face change with confidence and learn how to turn even the toughest challenge to your advantage.
EAN: 9781789664959
Edition: 1
Format: 236x158
248 pages

About the book

HIGHLY COMMENDED: Business Book Awards 2021 - Change & Sustainability

Now, more than ever, how we work, the way we live, even how long we live are changing at rapid pace and only those who can embrace everything that's going on and reinvent themselves will survive and thrive. The Power to Change teaches you how to do just that.

Yet change - even good change - is tough. Most of us feel utterly powerless when confronted by it. But it doesn't have to be this way. The Power to Change will help you harness difficult situations and see new opportunities.

The Power to Change
does more than simply enable you just to cope with change - it gives you the tools and approaches to embrace and celebrate change. Written by award-winning author, Campbell Macpherson, this book provides a genuinely unique approach to celebrating change that will resonate with readers, no matter what sort of change they have to confront. The Power to Change gives readers the permission to feel emotional and have doubts and fears about change. It provides a range of techniques to put change into perspective, and allows readers to embrace and prosper from the challenges it presents.

About the authors

Campbell Macpherson is an international business advisor, keynote speaker, writer and award-winning author. He is adjunct faculty member of the Henley Business School.

He helps CEOs and leadership teams align to a clear strategy, build enabling cultures and achieve the leadership of successful and sustainable change. He is the author of The Change Catalyst which won the inaugural Business Book of the Year award in March 2018.

Embracing change has never been so important. This book shows you how!

Sophie Devonshire, CEO, The Marketing Society and Author of 'Superfast: Lead at Speed'