Learning and Talent Development

Understand and critically evaluate a range of theories, concepts, approaches and methods relating to learning and talent development with this popular guide.

In association with

Imprint: CIPD - Kogan Page
EAN: 9781843982500
Edition: 1
Format: 245x189
392 pages

About the book

Written for the CIPD Level 7 Advanced module of the same name, Learning and Talent Development combines a clear and concise structure and writing style with an academic and critical approach to the subject. It analyses and evaluates a range of learning and talent development theories and strategies so students can learn how to take the lead and confidently initiate, develop and implement these strategies, interventions and activities in the workplace.

Covering key topics such as the national and organizational context of learning and talent development, concepts related to individual and organizational learning and the functions associated with managing learning and talent development in the context of professional practice, Learning and Talent Development equips individuals to meet the expectations placed upon those performing specialist roles in developing others and is therefore also ideal for undergraduate and postgraduate students of human resource management or business students taking a module in human resource development or learning and development. Online supporting resources include web links for each chapter, lecture slides and an instructor's manual complete with lecture handouts and additional case studies per chapter.

About the authors

Jim Stewart is Professor of HRD at Liverpool Business School, UK. He is also Chief Examiner of Learning and Development for the CIPD as well as Visiting Panel Chair and External Moderator.

Clare Rigg lectures at the Institute of Technology, Tralee, Ireland.

I like the short case studies which allow students to focus their attention on particular concepts. The longer case studies at the end of each chapter present more complex situations which students are likely to face in professional practice.

Alison Davies, BPP Business School, UK