Developing and Using Consultancy Skills

Understand the meaning, process and skills required for consultancy in an L&D context

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Imprint: CIPD - Kogan Page
EAN: 9781843984269
40 pages

About the book

Developing and Using Consultancy Skills supports students and practitioners in their understanding of the meaning of consultancy and the skills required in consulting in a learning and development context. It covers all the stages in the consulting process and provides guidance on engaging with the client, clarifying the nature of the issues, agreeing the research areas and analysing feedback.

Developing and Using Consultancy Skills also includes essential coverage of common problems with client-consultation relationships and how to overcome these as well as discussion of ethics and consultant behaviour. Essential reading for anyone studying the intermediate CIPD L&D qualification, this guide will not only equip students for their studies, but also for their role as L&D professionals in the workplace.

About the authors

Peter Cureton is a former associate examiner for designing and delivering training with the CIPD.