Leadership for Innovation

How to Organize Team Creativity and Harvest Ideas

Leadership for Innovation will help you to create an innovative climate that encourages the development of new products and services - the lifeblood of business success. John Adair identifies the characteristics of innovative organizations and describes how leaders can encourage new ideas.
EAN: 9780749454791
Edition: 1
Format: 215x140
144 pages

About the book

New ideas and new ways of doing things are one of the main ingredients in sustained business success, but how do you create the right conditions for innovation?

Leadership for Innovation will help you to create an innovative climate that encourages the development of new products and services. Drawing upon real-life examples including Google, Honda and 3M, John Adair sets out practical ways for bringing about change in organizations. As well as identifying the characteristics of an innovative organization, he discusses key topics such as organizing for team creativity; motivating creative people, how to build on ideas and how to be a creative leader and team member.

Leadership for Innovation will help you to inspire your team to go that one step further and generate the kind of ideas that are the foundations of future success.

About the authors

John Adair is the world's leading authority on leadership and leadership development. Over a million managers worldwide have taken part in the Action-Centred Leadership programmes he pioneered, and he advises many organizations in business, government, education, health and the voluntary sector. John is the author of over 50 books, including the leadership classic Not Bosses But Leaders, (also published by Kogan Page), and he continues to write and teach throughout the world, inspiring new audiences with his vision of leadership.